Friday, February 12, 2010

A Bit of Fresh Air

So, it's the beginning of Reading Week at the universities in Waterloo, and the students are running amok causing havoc, and wearing practically nothing (as usual). It actually boggles my mind how these girls can wear mini skirts and high heeled sandals in the middle of February. Seriously, people, what the heck. They don't even wear coats! Oh, the vanity! Sometimes I feel like it is a prerequisite of attending university to look like a prostitute. Only sometimes though. Slut-cicles. It really is about minus 15 degrees outside.
Anyways, this is going to be a short post, because I sliced my finger open cutting up an onion today, and typing is proving to be a bit painful.
So, I was sitting at the bus stop watching girls in tiny clothing rush past, when a big burly black guy carrying a box from Campus Pizza entered my bus shelter. A few minutes later, a second guy, kinda scrawny, but not too bad-looking came in as well. He was carrying a Pizza Nova box. After a few seconds, the first guy says, "So you prefer Pizza Nova to Campus Pizza?"
"Yeah, I do. I'm not gonna lie, it's delicious. Crispy crust and all, yo. And I'm not gonna lie, I went there because it's closer. But Pizza Nova is definitely better," says the second guy. He didn't sound very articulate to me. Kind of like your average partying student. The first guy admitted that he'd never been to Pizza Nova. Anyways, the point is, the impression I was getting was that this was the first time these guys have ever met, and they were having a good old conversation about pizza joints. The second guy then started complaining about how he got kicked out of residence just now because his don thought that he was drinking outside the res. They talked about that for a good five minutes, then proceeded to talk about what universities they went to and what programs they were taking. The second guy said he was in psychology because he wanted to be a psychologist. The first guy thought that was very interesting.
"That's really great. I was seeing a psychologist a few months back, cause I was sick for a good three months, you know?" says the first guy. The second guy asked him about his sickness, and the first guy told him that he had some issues going on like bipolar and stuff. I thought that was very open of him. It surprised me a little, really.
The rest of their conversation was surprisingly intelligent and open. They just seemed to get along really well, even though they had only just met. It was really refreshing and encouraging to see.
Then I got on the VERY crowded bus full of drunk and yelling students on their way to "start" the Reading Week celebrations.

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